Thanks to a grant from DOROT, Burning Tree Village now offers a tech coaching program that matches trained tech coaches with neighbors in need of help with their cell phones, home computers, and/or tablets. We are currently recruiting tech coaches as well as late tech adopters interested in participating.
To get involved, call 240-389-3829 and leave a message, or email or Alison Frisch.
What is a tech coach?
Someone who already knows how to use tech, or can learn by looking it up
Must be 18 years or older, and be able to work well with an older population (late tech adopters)
Available to be trained through one of the online classes by DOROT, scheduled for
April 4, 2023, 5 pm
April 18, 2023, 7 pm
May 10, 2023, 5 pm
June 14, 2023, 5 pm
Must pass a background check that will allow you to enter the home of a late tech adopter to provide in-person tutorials
What is a late tech adopter?
Someone in the BTV neighborhood who wants to learn how to use or improve their use of home computers, cell phones, or iPads/tablets
Someone matched with a tech coach, who will spend on average of an hour a week with them, teaching you whatever you want to learn.
Recently, a neighbor who said she had been “bumbling through” Zoom meetings met for an hour in person with a tech coach. In her words, the coach was “super patient and kind" and made a real difference. "A few days later I attended another Zoom workshop for seniors and was quite thrilled to be able to put my new skills to work. (I was even able to comment on chat!).”
This is just one example of the many topics that can be covered. You decide what you want to know and the tech administrator will pair you with a tech coach who can help with that skill.
For questions or to get involved, call 240-389-3829 and leave a message, or email or Alison Frisch.