Burning Tree Village is a neighborhood charitable organization in Bethesda, Maryland where neighbors assist neighbors. While a chief goal of the organization is to help senior residents who want to remain in their homes as long as possible, at the same time, BT Village promotes activities that benefit all members of the neighborhood across generations. We do this through volunteer activities, educational and social programs, and partnerships with other individuals and organizations that complement our volunteer activities. By engaging all residents in these activities, Burning Tree Village helps foster a caring, supportive, and friendly atmosphere that enhances the quality of life in our entire community and helps make this a wonderful neighborhood in which to live.
BT Village is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. There are no fees or dues; current expenses are met through donations and all services are provided free when rendered by our volunteers.
BTV consists of close to 700 households around Burning Tree Elementary School in Bethesda, Maryland, and serves the area encompassed by River Road, Wilson Lane (including Honesty and Arnet on the other side of Wilson), Springer Road, Thoreau Drive up to the path to Pyle Middle School, a few houses on Woodhaven, Melody Lane and all its offshoots, Burning Tree Road up to the bridge, and Beech Tree Road, including Frenchman's Creek. There are many ways to get involved and we look forward to your participation!
We can be contacted at board@burningtreevillage.org or (240) 389-3829.

Neighbors in our community began developing Burning Tree Village (BTV) in 2007, and we were incorporated as a nonprofit in April 2008. BTV works in association with other villages in the area through a consortium known as Washington Area Villages (WAVE) and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center of Montgomery County.