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The Burning Tree Village Services Exchange is a weekly electronic newsletter for families living near the Burning Tree Elementary School. You can let others know about community resources, upcoming events, service recommendations and requests, items you want to sell or give away, and neighborhood helpers (teenagers willing to babysit or care for pets, etc.)  The Service Exchange’s  purposes are to increase our awareness of resources in the neighborhood, to enable neighbors to use the services provided or recommended by neighbors, to enjoy hobbies together, and to be helpful and supportive of one another as the need, occasion, or opportunity arises. The Exchange is circulated to 95% of the households in the immediate neighborhood and it is also possible to send an e-mail notice to certain streets within the neighborhood.


Please e-mail notices for the Services Exchange to the editor: Jane Meleney Coe at Suggestions and comments are welcome. In general, the editor will try to mention the source of the listing. When submitting something, please indicate whether you want it for attribution or not, and your street address. To receive this newsletter weekly by email or monthly, delivered to your door, contact Jane Coe at or 240-389-3829.



The Neighborhood Directory is published every three years and continuously updated.  It contains the names and addresses and emails of the 686 households in Burning Tree Village (the houses encompasses by Beech Tree Road, River Road, Wilson Lane, Springer Road, and Melody Lane including off-shoots, also known as Burning Tree Valley, Cohasset, Maryknoll, and Frenchman's Creek).


If you are a BTV resident and would like to receive a complimentary copy of the Neighborhood Directory, contact Jane Coe at or 240-389-3829. All information in the directory is for the private use of the neighbors listed and may not be used for commercial, fund-raising, political, or self-serving purposes.



This directory was last published in 2017 and is published every few years.  It provides lists of service providers who were recommended by people in the Burning Tree Village neighborhood.

Jane Coe keeps an up-to-date list of service providers.  Contact her through the BTV email address or phone, and she will be happy to provide you with any information that you need.



The Triennial Report is published every three years, most recently in 2023. View it here.

Publications: Our Community
Publications: Forms & Documents
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